The Peach Industry

长期以来,乔治亚州一直被称为“桃州”,美国最大的桃子和山核桃产地位于福特谷. 佐治亚州每年生产超过1.3亿磅的桃子,这里种植的桃子可以说是世界上最好的. 几乎所有在乔治亚州种植的桃子都在新鲜批发市场上出售, with a small percentage sold at roadside markets. There is no significant processing of peaches in Georgia

Georgia has two commercial peach-growing regions. Peach County is the heart of the central region with about 1.600万棵桃树,年产量约1亿蒲式耳, or 75 percent of the state's production. 南部地区每年生产约3000万磅桃子.

The central region includes Peach, Crawford, Taylor and Macon counties along the fall line, 格鲁吉亚的皮埃蒙特和海岸平原之间的过渡地带. 这个地区靠北得足够远,可以得到充足的冬季寒气, 但足够靠南,可以避免晚霜,保证提前收获. The early harvest allows premium prices for the crop. Additionally, 秋季线的砂壤土比山前的重粘土或海岸平原的沙土更有利于桃的生产.

在南乔治亚州的布鲁克斯和皮尔斯县有一个小的商业机构, 哪些适合这些地区的新品种正在提高水果品质. 这些新品种似乎是该州这个地区桃子种植激增的原因. Historically, considerable peach production occurred in north Georgia also, 但在20世纪80年代和90年代,由于频繁的冻害和相对较晚的收获期,种植面积下降.

在桃子产业的全盛时期,多达18家桃子包装厂排列在福特谷的街道两旁. 拜伦是该县唯一的另一个城市,位于铁路线以北约12英里处,有多达14个. 一个当地的种植者把他的房子搬了几千码,这样他就可以看到他的桃子被装进火车车厢(那种结构), the Troutman Home, 目前是商会和福特谷主街办公室的所在地).

今天,这里只有两个主要的种植和包装业务, Lane Southern果园和Pearson's Big 6农场由两个家庭所有,他们在这里生活、工作和耕种了130多年!  

Big 6 Farm

皮尔森家族五代人在这个地区种植红乔治亚粘土已有130多年的历史. 皮尔森家族的Big 6农场由1500英亩的桃子和2000英亩的山核桃组成. 这个家庭农场生产大量的水果和坚果,其中最好的水果和坚果被用于玛丽·皮尔森的在线电子商务业务, Pearson Farms.

这一切始于1885年,当时摩西·温洛克·皮尔森和他的妻子, Emma, 搬到乔治亚州中部,在那里种下了自己的家族根基,并为皮尔森家族种下了第一批桃树. They eventually had six sons and six daughters. One of their sons, John, current managing partner Al Pearson's grandfather, started farming on his own, 增加家庭的土地,种植更多的桃子.

Lawton, the youngest son of John and Rosa Lee Pearson, 他的妻子劳里开始在泽尼思的家庭农场工作,他们有三个孩子:佩吉, Ann and Al. As children, 每年夏天,皮尔森家的孩子们都在桃子包装棚里工作,在那里他们学会了坚持不懈和坚韧不拔. No matter how tired or how late the hour, 桃子必须准备好及时运到纽约和北方其他地点.

After college, Al joined his father in farming. In 1972, 他娶了在乔治亚大学认识的玛丽·麦克伦南,他们还有三个孩子——玛丽·凯瑟琳, Lawton and Laurie. In 1973 Al began operating the farm as Big 6 Farm, a partnership effort owned by Al and his two sisters, farming together for 35 years. Al and his son Lawton, a recent law school graduate, purchased the business in 2008 and began farming together. 劳顿嫁给了拉尼尔·德纳尔,他们现在有三个年幼的孩子——阿德琳、科特和萨顿. Al and Lawton also grow a large acreage of pecans.

Big 6农场符合美国农业部和FDA制定的食品安全标准和良好农业规范(GAP)指南. Big 6也达到了乔治亚州GP食品安全计划制定的审计标准. 它是佐治亚州仅有的三个获得这一称号的农场之一,也是唯一的桃子和山核桃农场.

Lane Southern Orchards

莱恩南果园和泰勒果园于2018年合并,创造了美国最大的桃子和山核桃业务. 合并后的操作将桃子包装在Lane Southern果园的标签下.

Taylor Orchards farms 3,000英亩的桃子和950英亩的行栽作物,包括花生和大豆, and Lane Southern Orchards farms 2,000 acres of peaches and 3,500 acres of pecans. In addition to existing acreage, 该公司积极的增长计划包括在2018年额外种植700英亩的新桃子生产和1,000 new acres dedicated to pecans, resulting in more than 10,000 acres under cultivation.

由约翰·大卫·杜克于1908年创立的钻石水果农场,莱恩包装公司. farms more than 6,000 acres of peaches and pecans. Located just outside of Fort Valley, 这个第四代家族企业现在种植了超过35个品种的桃子.

John David Duke built his first peach packing house in 1942. J.D, Duke Packing Co. was taken over by his son-in-law David O. Lane, and grandson, Duke Lane Sr. in 1950 and the packing shed became known as Lane Packing Co.

Following the retirement of his father, Duke Lane Sr. became sole owner and, until 1975, 他继续在他祖父1942年建立的地方包装桃子.

In 1976, Duke Lane Sr. formed a partnership with the Russell Pearson family. 他们一起建造了一个更现代化的包装工厂,并将公司命名为皮尔逊 & Lane. This partnership remained in place until 1989. 1989年的季节过后,莱恩家族开始在家族农场建造一个新的包装厂. 该设施是同类设施中最现代化的设施之一,并在1990年的作物种植时及时准备就绪.

With the new packing house built, Duke Lane Sr. 把生意交给了他的四个孩子——已故的安·里格登,小杜克.他们和他们的孩子们仍然积极参与公司的运营.